Something About That Man

Once I met him in the particular place
Once I didn’t know the things that I had to talk to
We were just quiet with anything in our own

On my way home, I felt something about him
That kind of man
So rare! Maybe a lot but not having the opportunity to show up
Maybe they don’t need to

When I saw his eyes
His teeth
His face
I know, He is a good man
He is someone with pearls in his heart

But, he doesn’t keep the pearls for himself
He gives the pearl to anything around him

I am sure with the mind about him
He is a man with something that I want to reach
Something that I couldn’t describe yet
But I could feel in my heart

I hope the universe gives the perfect time for him
Yeah, I know the universe knows first
that man who was born in the way
surely by the mother of earth

I know something and I want to tell him
But that man still sitting in his own
Thinking of anything
I don’t know

Then, he gave me the smile
The very generous smile that I ever saw
Oh... that kind of man

Jakarta, 19 January 2013
22.31 Wib
M & M


  1. tidak percaya kau yang menuliskan ini..haha
    nice poem :)

  2. kenapa gak percaya? hahah...
    gak percaya kau membacanya? kau sambil buka kamus gak? hihihi..


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