As the Tears Goes Down

What would be like this daylight?
Suddenly, I could see that I couldn’t see
I could feel that I couldn’t feel
So then, the tears just goes down

There’s something that I could feel, but I couldn’t explain
There’s something that I could see, but I couldn’t describe

Would you mind to ask my heart?
It could feel and see things that I couldn’t
But, you need to be suspectible

Your ears couldn’t hear the things it said
Your eyes coudn’t see the things it showed

As the tears goes down
Only remind me that tears have it’s right to fall down
Even you don’t know why

Your body and soul have already talked each other
To build the sentimental feeling
To you, so you could remind about something
Even, you don’t understand yet

But, maybe you will understand
As the tears goes down

Jakarta, February 8th 2013
0.00 Wib
M & M


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